DSCC eviction drive: Hawkers return to footpaths
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Staff Correspondent: Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC) authority kept the continuous drive against city hawkers but the footpath grabbers were also seen to occupy the footpaths again.
In Gulistan, Paltan, Doinik Bangla Intersection, Baitul Mukarram and several other areas hawkers are found doing business on footpaths and on rickshaw vans loaded with their merchandises, disrupting movement of pedestrians and vehicles.
The interesting fact is- the vendors leave the area instantly with their goods sensing the presence of DSCC officials or police. Later, they went to footpaths again as usual.
A hawker named Jakaria Ahmed said "We cannot stay in the footpaths longtime as the DSCC officials started eviction drive."
We will not leave the footpaths until the authority rehabilitate us at some specific place, he added.
Earlier on Sunday, Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC) conducted to free the roads and footpaths for safe walking.
DSCC Mayor Sayeed Khokon announced that the hawkers will not be allowed to sit with their goods in Gulistan and adjacent areas during working hours.
risingbd/Dhaka/Jan 18, 2017/Nur/Nasim