Titumir students block Gulshan road with bamboo
Staff Correspondent || risingbd.com

Students of Government Titumir College blocked the Mohakhali-Gulshan road on Monday (February 3) by erecting a bamboo barricade, demanding the upgradation of the institution to a university.
More than 50 students of the college halted the vehicular movement on both lanes around 12:20 pm, causing severe congestion and leaving commuters stranded.
The agitating students said, “We will continue our movement until our demand is met. No vehicles, except emergency ones, would be allowed to pass during the blockade.”
The students were seen chanting various slogans to press home their demand.
But presence of law enforcement agencies was not found at that time.
Meanwhile, six students are continuing their hunger strike for the sixth consecutive day in front of the college gate.