Repeated unrest in RMG sector: Opinions from both sides and police
Staff Reporter, Gazipur ||

Workers unrest in ready-made garments sector has become a regular incident in the largest export sector.
The protests of workers, continuous highway blockades centering various demands and provocations became common. This is causing economic losses, public suffering, and tarnishing the reputation of this industry.
There are 2,176 registered factories in the industrially populated district of Gazipur. Of those, 1,154 are ready-made garment factories. Rest of them are small and medium-sized factories.
It was known that most of the recent protests in the district took place centering unpaid salaries, non-payment of bonuses, demands to reopen closed factories, and job losses.
Industrial police and factory sources said around fifty factories were closed in Gazipur from the last December following the country's political changes. In addition, 20 more factories were closed this year.
Many of the workers of these closed factories infrequently block the highways and stage protests, demanding the reopening of the factories and payment of arrears. That causes sufferings to drivers and passengers of the route.
Factory owners and officials said that there are some logical and illogical demands behind worker dissatisfaction.
The fair demands are - holiday pay, attendance bonus, arrears of salary and promotion. The awkward demands are - sudden salary increases, quick permanent employment, equal rights for experienced and inexperienced workers, demands for the resignation of senior officials, halting production, etc.
In addition, third-party instigation, failure of labor leaders, and rumors also contribute to worker dissatisfaction.
BGMEA had issued warning that workers dissatisfaction may trigger again if they do not get their salaries and bonuses before Eid. That’s why Gazipur Industrial Police-2 has distributed awareness and warning leaflets to workers. Some 550 members of the Industrial Police are working to keep the situation normal. They are working as a bridge between industrial owners and workers.
Following the issue, Arman Hossain, the organizer of the uprising student-worker-people movement, said, after the 2024 uprising, workers are protesting for their demands in the regions. The main reason for dissatisfaction in the garment sector is unpaid wages and the living standards of workers. However, avoiding these issues, workers are blamed repeatedly.
Md. Abu Taleb, Manager (Administration) of Mahmud Genims Factory said the incident of worker unrest took place due to the instigation of outside workers. There is no problem with the wages of the workers in our factory. However, due to dissatisfaction in other factories nearby and the instigation of outside workers, our factory has been forced to close many times.
Gazipur Industrial Police-2 Superintendent of Police AKM Zahirul Islam said that many factories in Gazipur have been closed since August 5th. When Eid comes, workers block the highway for bonuses, holidays and other reasons. I hope the employers will clear the Eid bonus by the next week.