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WASA should ensure safe drinking water

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Published: 09:48, 20 May 2019   Update: 15:18, 26 July 2020
WASA should ensure safe drinking water

There is a big question about the water quality of Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (WASA).

There is nothing to say about the purity or drinkable water of the water supply authority. Lots of complaints found regarding the polluted water supply since many days. The situation is worsening day by day.

Recently, the High Court directed the authority concerned to submit a report about the quality of water. Following that direction, director of WASA produced a report before the court. The report said that water of 59 percent areas of the capital are polluted. Besides, about 93 percent dwellers of the capital are forced to drink boiled water. That means -water of all most every areas are contaminated.

Sufferers claimed that there is also a crisis of pure water in many areas outside of the list. Even, many areas do get water. The normal life is hampered due to water crisis. Only the sufferers know the pain of such crisis during the ongoing heat wave.

Earlier, rejecting a report of Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB), WASA Managing Director (MD) Taksim A Khan said water supplied in Dhaka is hundred percent drinkable. Many people rejected the speech at that time. On April 20, the report cleared by WASA chief finds water polluted in Dhaka's 59 areas. So, the speech of WASA MD is contradicted following the report.

The High Court in its hearing said, WASA has a responsibility to supply drinkable water to the city dwellers. The court ordered the authority concerned to ensure safe water supply. Besides, the HC bench of Justice JBM Hassan and Justice Md Khairul Alam asked Chairman of Dhaka University's Microbiology Department Prof Sabita Rezwana Rahman to give her opinion on the report before the court.

A good number of people buy bottled water to face the polluted water crisis. But, a question has been raised regarding the bottled or container supply water also. Is it possible to meet the demand of water buying canned water? There is a complaint that the so called mineral water in bottles are not safe.

Iron, PH, chlorine, calcium and magnesium are not found in the most of the water bottle, container or plastic packets. Harmful substances like lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), coliform and zing is found in the processed water. Cadmium contaminated water can create imbalance of nutrition in human body. People are becoming ill drinking these bottled water. Side by side, they are also losing their heard earned money buying these kind of water cans.

WASA has a responsibility to supply continuously across the capital. The authorities have to give the answer regarding failure of safe drinking water. Along with the High Court, we also want to say that the producing water is not only responsibility but also distributing is WASA’s duty. We expect WASA will take steps to supply safe and pure water. The organization will have to play an effective to reduce the sufferings of city dwellers.

risingbd/Dhaka/May 19, 2019/Ali Nowsher/Nasim
