Uncertainty looms over reopening of Karnaphuli Paper Mills
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Production of Karnaphuli Paper Mills (KPM) Limited at Chandraghona in Kaptai upazila of Rangamati was closed about one and half month ago.
Due to financial crisis, lack of raw materials and old machineries, it has now become possible to reopen the mill. As a result, about two hundred staff are passing their days with worried.
The staff alleged since 2017, the production of this largest paper mill in South Asia gradually decreased due to the conspiracy of the then KPM MD Dr. MA Quader. He also stopped KPM's own pulp production.
The mill has been kept running by bringing foreign pulp sometimes 5 metric tons and sometimes 10 metric tons.
However, the mill, which has a daily production capacity of 100 metric tons, still has the capacity to produce 70 to 80 metric tons of paper machine No. 1 and 2. Besides, machine No. 3 of the mill is closed due to technical error.
They also said that despite the production capacity, the mill has been digging since 2017. In addition, in 2022, the factory has reduced the budget and reduced the workforce, bringing the mill to the brink of destruction. The then MD MA Quader's associates are still involved in conspiracy. In this situation, the workers and employees of all levels are demanding to continue production.
Maidul Islam, GM (production) of KPM Mills, said the mill has not produced anything for the last one and a half months due to pulp crisis and technical errors. We are trying to return to production.