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‘Every great dream begins with a dreamer’

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Published: 05:38, 21 June 2020   Update: 15:18, 26 July 2020
‘Every great dream begins with a dreamer’

risingbd, country’s leading and popular news portal, is publishing stories on persons who have shown success in various fields. As part of its efforts, Nabila Nowshin is writing stories under the banner ‘In series #30days30souls’. Recently, she interviewed Kashfiaa Amina who is a doctor and operation head in Kya Bio Research Service-KYAMCH. Besides that she is a jewellery designer. In the exclusive interview, Kashfiaa Amina talked about her childhood, education life, doctoring profession and more which are given below.

Hello, how are you?
Assalamualaikum, I am good.

Alaikumassalam. From where you completed your O’level and A Level Exam?
O'Level from British Council and a level from Maple Leaf.

Where and which subject you were reading in?
I did my MBBS from Khwaja Yunus Ali Medical College and Hospital passing year 2015 and completed my Masters in hospital management course from KMC, Manipal 2017.

Where are you working right now?
I am the Operation Head in Kya Bio Research service -KYAMCH.

Where you used to live in your childhood? Tell us one memorable story from your childhood!
I used to stay in Green Road just after my birth with my grandparents. My grandmother rescued one parrot one day, and kept it in our balcony for some period of time, I used to observe it very closely! She used to give her food. After a few days Nanubhaia screamed one fine morning saying “Please come everyone and keep the bird outside! See what Kashfiaa is doing!” Haha, the scenario was! I just followed the bird and started to eat with my foot. Then Nanubhaia left the bird. That day Nanubhaia laugh a lot!

Do you want to give any advice to an 18-years old yourself?
Yes! I would say life is very limited, you don’t know when it would be your last day. And Hey 18 years old Kashfiaa, don’t worry, everything is going to be fine! Promise I can see it from here. Allah is listening to you, don’t worry! It’s just He is making you strong. You prayed for a good house only, He is making you the highness of a kingdom. It takes time you know.

Is there anything that you wanted to achieve from your childhood and now you have got it? If yes, then what is that and how do you achieve that?
Yes, I wanted to be my mother's shoulder, now she feels absolutely safe to put her hand on my shoulder when she feels unsafe.

In this moment we all know we have got some precious free time. So, what are you doing in this time? Are you doing something productive? Then share it with us! We would love to know your activities.
Since the MBBS I never got actual free time in my life and now in this situation also I don’t have any free time! Also, I don’t feel any bad about it, Alhamdulliah!

Also, I have my own jewelry shop and I design my own jewelry too. Also, I create contents and make videos. Whenever I have some spare time, I make videos and design jewellery. I paint, sing, so karate edit photos and construct my instagram.

You are a doctor and this is a noble profession I must say. A lot of sacrifice and patience are needed for being a doctor. When did you want to become a doctor? And how’s your experience becoming a doctor?
I never wanted to be one. I used to watch a series called “House” when I was 22 I guess. I always had a dream to work with white coat and help people to get cured. Never knew, to fulfil my dreams I had to work so hard.

I see you are very talented. Because besides being a doctor you are running a business of jewellery. I see you design those jewellery on your own. Since when do you think that you are going to open your business and how do you manage them after having a busy schedule?
It was tough for me to adjust and fit into this sacrificing lifestyle. I don’t waste a single second of my life. My grandfather used to say, Allah provides us limited time for everything. He gave us a ‘challenge’ for everything. ‘Ami jodi shuye boshei kataye dei’ if I stayed at home by doing nothing, then the precious time just left from my life. So, I always try to utilise my time. Also, I maintain a schedule to get a disciplined life.

In this quarantine, all people are at home and they are spending their time with their loved ones. But your profession and you are helping the whole world to be better again. I really want to say thank you for doing this though you know that you are doing it for the whole nation. So, what will be your advice for everyone who is reading your story today?
My advice will be- Life is only one. So, you have to understand that. If the government ever opens the lockdown, then you should be more careful and serious about your safety also. Because you have to understand, you are just a number to the government, but to the people and family around you, you are the world. So, move safely and help others to do the same.

Doing all of your work you may stay busy all day long, but in your free time what do you like to do the most?
I do Tiktok when I am free.

After 10 years where do you want to see yourself?
I want to see my KJD all over Bangladesh.

So, In series #30days30souls you are one of those 30 people. How do feel to take part in this?
I am really feeling honored, to be a part of it! Thank you for having me on this platform.

And also, there are 29 more people like you who are passionate about their work and doing great for the world. Do you want to give any message to them?
"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."

*** ‘Since childhood I was a very stylish kid’

*** ‘I try to teach myself a new thing everyday’

*** ‘Become a leader, not a boss’

*** ‘I am in love with baking’

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*** ‘I read about 50 books a year’

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